A wall with the words invest in yourself written on it.
Hopefully by now the confetti of the new year has settled, and you are back into a routine and focusing on your key priorities for
A wooden block that says new normal
When Covid hit, we were writing and talking about the “new normal” and that we were in, as William Bridges calls, the “neutral zone” leading
A man standing in front of a wall with a flowchart drawn on it.
First, a tired but true acknowledgment: This year has been hard. We’ve adapted to tough circumstances despite profound losses. And yet, I feel a sense
A series of images showing different weather fronts.
It’s been nine long months in which we no longer shake hands, meet in person, or see each other except on Zoom. The stress and
A lone tree in the middle of nowhere
During these tough times, optimism can be challenging. But, as leaders, we know our emotions are contagious to our teams and our teams’ emotions are